Asthma is a chronic inflammatory lung condition causing airway narrowing which can make breathing difficult and trigger coughing, wheezing and shortness of breath. For some people, asthma is a minor nuisance. For others, it can be a major problem that interferes with daily activities and may lead to a life-threatening asthma attack. On average, in Alberta, there approximately 20,000 Emergency Department visits per year for Asthma Attacks. But, it doesn’t have to be this way!
The Asthma Clinic at University Lung Clinic is a multi-disciplinary clinic involving health care practitioners who have a special clinical and research interest in Asthma. We welcome any referrals on patients living with or suspected of having Asthma. The purpose of the clinic is to take a systemic approach to the patients Asthma management and develop a PERSONALIZED management plan to give them the best long term outcomes. This includes the development of an Asthma Action Plan, a review of inhaler techniques and participation in Asthma Education with a Certified Respiratory Educator. We also collaborate with other specialists such as Allergists and Ear Nose and Throat specialists to help optimize their care.
As well, patients referred into our clinic will have the opportunity to be involved in our robust clinical research program, which ranges from patient related clinical outcomes to clinical pharmaceutical trials that are examining novel therapeutic targets that may improve Asthma outcomes.
Our referral form can be found on our website. We look forward to working with you and your patients to improve their lung health.
Asthma Education
The goals of asthma education is to provide asthma patients with the necessary education and tools to increase their understanding and self-confidence in the management of their asthma. This is accomplished by providing education on all aspects of asthma, while focusing on the individual needs of each patient/family. We provide hands-on education on asthma medications and devices and develop an individualized written action plan to assist with at-home/work/travel asthma management.
To determine whether you may have asthma, answer the 30 second asthma questionnaire below:
1. Do you cough, wheeze, or have a tight chest because of your asthma? (4 or more days a week)
2. Do coughing, wheezing, or chest tightness wake you at night? (1 or more times a week)
3. Do you stop exercising because of your asthma (in the past 3 months)
4. Do you ever miss work or school because of your asthma (in the past 3 months)
5. Do you use your blue inhaler 4 or more times a week? (Except one dose/day for exercise)
Source: Asthma Landmark Survey
If you or someone you love, answer “yes” to one or more questions, discuss this with your physician. Asthma is a “chronic inflammatory disease of the airway” that causes the following symptoms:
Shortness of breath
Tightness in the chest
Asthma has no set pattern. Its symptoms can be mild, moderate or severe, can vary from person to person, can flare up from time to time and then not appear for long periods or can vary from one episode to the next.
Six out of ten people with asthma do not have control of their disease. Their poorly controlled asthma may lead to a severe, life-threatening asthma attack, and possibly permanent lung damage. Asthma symptoms do not have to be tolerated. Total asthma control is attainable for the majority of Canadians with asthma. With proper management and medication, most people with asthma live perfectly normal, active lives. The key is learning how to keep symptom-free. If you have asthma, you can control it by:
Avoiding your asthma triggers
Taking your medication (take the time to learn what it does and how to take it properly)
Following a personalized asthma action plan
Asthma doesn’t have to control your life. The goal of asthma management is to obtain total asthma control and maintain it over time. Total asthma control means:
No daytime symptoms
No nighttime symptoms
Not needing to use your reliever medication (no more than 4 or more times in a week)
No school or work absenteeism due to asthma
Normal breathing tests
You can have control of your asthma and its symptoms. Much of your asthma management is learning about your disease and how best to treat it. Asthma educators can help you manage your asthma symptoms. Talk to your physician about a referral to an asthma educator to learn how to live an active symptom free life!